From last week lecture , we discussed about the representation of representation. The quote , "Everytimes people say word , they have image in their head and construct it to be more real." I agree with this quote and have some questions. Why these words represent those things? Is there any relationship , or people just make them up. Where is it from and who control it to be this way? In my opinion , people made a lots of things up , even their language, to communicate and represent something. Further development , the complexity in linguistics field increases , so people use these language , or words , to represent other words. This becomes representation of representation in my opinion. Another question pops up , from the beginning , people made all these things up until repeat the process again , so what is the true word to represent word? May be it's no right answer , I still don't know.
From previous discussion , the representation of representation also relates to the architecture , modern architecture. S.R. Crown Hall , at IIT by Mies van der Rohe, is one of modern architecture that use the representation of the real structure , as the concept of modernism, by the attached elements outside the building. The concept of modernism "All lines of the structure make building stand up" is represented by the structural ornamentation , so this quote , for me , is not really true because all lines is the representation of the structure inside , They don't take the load , the real function of it.
I will end this journal with the quote "Everything is nothing" . Nothing is the truth , they are all construct by human. Do not believe in everything people say.
I agree with you. :)