From last journal , I wrote somethings about Manufactured Landscape , and this week we are assigned to write about what is Non-manufactured landscape , but what I thought is changed from this week lecture. This ,Why Manufactured and Non-manufactured landscape? ,becomes the topic I'm interested in and will write about. Another topic is 'Is our perception framed by political statement?'.
'Why manufactured and non-manufactured landscape?'
First , I thought that manufactured landscape is the landscape that created from any result of manufacture processes and non-manufactured landscape is somethings opposite, but after the last lecture , I found that there are some factors that frame our perception of the nature. Therefore , what I think about manufactured landscape may be wrong , and the following question is 'why we have to follow the definition of something from others and call it as others call?'. This question make the boundary between manufactured and non-manufactured landscape in my thinking disappear because the definition of nature is not the same , so it effects to the definition of the landscape that I mentioned that they are related to each other. It can be different , it can be the same , or it can be anything. Until now , I just can't create my own definition of manufactured and non-manufactured landscape regardless of the framed 'nature' that I was forced to understand.
'Is our perception framed by political statement?'
From the lecture , there is the linkage between political status and the establishment of national park , the framed definition of nature. Nature in government's definition seems to be pure , without human or any artificial things but the real thing is 'not see it doesn't mean it's not there'. This idea controls the way we perceive the world and judge what is nature , what is not and what it should be. As we are designer , the way we perceive nature and use it in our design is important. Just copy , do what others do , or just using the natural material to create the natural sense in the space can make the space meaningless if there is not the strong and real meaning of nature from the designer behind , so the way we perceive the world effects on our design.
Khao Yai National park