วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

'I=WE' and 'Form & Perception'

Firstly , I'll write about "I=WE" from the lecture. I really like this equation and its meaning. It means that the way we see ourselves is from recognizing what others see , so 'I' can't be cut from the context as separated unit like in modernism. 'I' is formed by context around. I totally agree with it and realize that the way I see myself is from the way others see me. Sometimes this becomes the frame for me , I have to maintain what's good that others can see in me and then it becomes the expectation that pressures on me. I found that it's hard to break this frame out because I still care people around me , my context. I think It's like the idea of how UNstudio work with context. They use it but may be in different ways. Sometimes the context of the site is the limitation of the project , but if we use it wisely , it can be really interesting.

Another idea is about form and perception , after the modernism , the form took the different role. It's not necessary to represent the structure as in modernism , like the quote ' Forget the reference, just play with form'. I think this may be another good way to perceive things. Human try to find every reason of everything , but I think sometimes we just don't need those reasons , just experience it and perceive it as it is. This way of perceiving world can make everything easier, but in reality people do need reasons. May be they want to understand mostly everything in their life although it's not useful at all. I think that be reasonable in something and be not in something can make me live and perceive this world happily.

